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Over het bedrijf

Working at Empiric is like joining a large family. We have created a collaborative and supportive environment where we celebrate each other's wins and help each other achieve our goals. The rapid growth we have made over the last few years and our growth plans for the future opens up a lot of reward and opportunity for all employees. We work hard but you will also be well rewarded for your hard work. 

Coaching, Inspiring and Continual Improvement are at the heart of our style of leadership and management.

We offer a suite of Training and Coaching opportunities to support continual learning and development. We incorporate Master Classes (both internal and external), Professional-led Training Courses and Workshops and a unique High Potential Talent Programme to learn from the best and to be the best we can be. 

Empiric is a multi-award winning business and one of the fastest growing technology and transformation recruitment agency's specialising in data, digital, cloud and security. We supply technology and change recruitment services to businesses looking for both contract and permanent professionals.
