Goodyear Dunlop Tires Belgium Logo

Goodyear Dunlop Tires Belgium

À propos de l'entreprise
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Chez Goodyear, nous avons construit nos fondements sur l’engagement envers l’innovation et nous sommes fiers d’attirer et de retenir les meilleurs talents en favorisant de nouvelles idées, le travail d’équipe, la communication ouverte et les possibilités d’évolution professionnelle.

Nous nous efforçons de fournir aux collaborateurs un environnement de travail sécurisé et soulignons la nécessité d’un apprentissage continu autant que l’expérience continue. En offrant de nombreuses possibilités de croissance, nous poursuivons notre développement et la promotion de nos talents.

Ces objectifs, conjugués à une rémunération et à des avantages concurrentiels, nous permettent de créer un environnement où les collaborateurs peuvent travailler pour atteindre leur plein potentiel et contribuer au succès de l’entreprise.

Rejoignez un groupe de collaborateurs talentueux et engagés et contribuez à développer notre entreprise et à assurer son succès futur. 

Looking back, the founding of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in 1898 seems especially remarkable, for the beginning was anything but auspicious. The 38-year-old founder, Frank A. Seiberling, purchased the company’s first plant with a $3,500 down payment — using money he borrowed from his brother-in-law, Lucius C. Miles. The rubber and cotton that were the lifeblood of the industry had to be transported from halfway around the world, to a landlocked town that had only limited rail transportation. Even the man the company’s name memorialized, Charles Goodyear, had died penniless 30 years earlier despite his discovery of vulcanization after a long and courageous search.

With just 13 employees, Goodyear production began on November 21, 1898, with a product line of bicycle and carriage tires, horseshoe pads, and — fitting the gamble Seiberling was making — poker chips. The first recorded payroll amounted to $217.86 based on the prevailing wage of 13 to 25 cents an hour for a 10-hour day. After the first full month of business, sales amounted to $8,246. Since the first bicycle tire in 1898, Goodyear pedaled its way toward becoming the world’s largest tire company, a title it earned in 1916 when it adopted the slogan “More people ride on Goodyear tires than on any other kind,” becoming the world’s largest rubber company in 1926.

Today, Goodyear measures sales of more than $20 billion, although it took 53 years before the company reached the first billion-dollar-year milestone. And it all began in a converted strawboard factory on the banks of the Little Cuyahoga River in East Akron, Ohio. Spanning the years, through all of those yesterdays, a legion of firsts and facts and figures appears that reflect the making of a company.

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